

We cover all professional and college sports. With that said, we only share sport predictions where we are extremely confident of our analysis.

Yes! We believe in our time tested systematic analysis, and put our money and reputation where our mouth is. 

Since we are taking action with you, we will share with you, if, when, and how, we are covering our bets. As well as when we are cashing out our bets. This will dramatically help preserve your bank roll. We do this via SMS alerts as well as via email alerts. This helps you stay up to date to any changes we are making live. As a side note: We currently in the works of doing live webinars during games, so you will be able to watch us live during the events we taking action on.

We try to do it as soon as we have a good reed on what we believe is going to happen. Sometimes it is very close to start of the event due to last minute changes in NEWS, Weather, Inquires, etc. That is why we offer SMS notifications (Text Messages) . This will help to ensure you do not miss out on any opportunities. In the end, your success is our success. Therefore, we have a strong vested interest,  in your success.

We average 1 or 2 pics at a time, sometimes more, 3 to 5 times a week, or more. This all depends on how confident we are in our analysis. We take our success rate very seriously, and we never rush our process.

Great question! We primarily share under dogs. Also known as + ODDS. Doing this helps ensure  everyone can make up for a previous loss with a single bet. as well as, dropping our breakeven rate below 50%. With that said, sometimes the odds will start with MINUS ODDS (-ODDS), so we will recommend betting LIVE, during the event, if and when, the odds go +ODDS.
Excellent question! We mostly recommend Money Line Bets. Meaning If a team or athlete is going to win or lose. We rarely, if ever recommend point spread bets. Sometimes, we will recommend live time wagers or parley wagers, but never recommend more than a 2  team Money Line (ML)  parley.  In soccer, we sometimes recommend a “Double Chance“, meaning if a team we like wins, and if the match draws (Soccer has 3 possible outcomes, Win Lose or Draw). We also offer futures bets. We have been very successful, in predicting NBA Championships, Super Bowls, and alike. For example, we predicted The Warriors, to win the 2022 NBA Championship months before as well last years World Cup.

Via email, text messages delivered to your cell phone, or gaining access to the website. Text message alerts are the best method to stay up to date with our predictions.

We offer a ZERO RISK, FREE 14 day, all access pass. This way you can see exactly what we are about, and if we are a good fit for you. As long as you cancel within the 14 days, you will not be charged. With that said, after your 14 days we do not offer any refunds.

Some of the Sports We Cover

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